
What We Do


A Transformative Step

Our prison initiative has transformed the lives of thousands of incarcerated individuals nationwide, emphasizing in-person visitation and newsletters.


Planting the Seeds for Our Tomorrow

Focused on love, hope, and optimism, our “Walking the Path of Love” curriculum guides individuals through “Secrets of Divine Love” in a course with over 5,000 distributed copies to date.


Unlocking New Horizons

Through the experiential knowledge gained from adversity, re-entry members possess the capability to pursued higher education, become civic leaders, and established entrepreneurs.

Our Impact

A brief overview on some statistics we have been able to achieve since inception 10 years ago. About 80% of this was achieved in 2021-2023 alone.


Letters of Correspondence

Our team writes to each letter whether it be a request for spiritual material, mentorship, or resources for when they are released.


Books Donated

We have donated over 30,000 books over the past 10 years. In 2022 and 2023 alone, 17,547 books were donated to facilities


Spiritual Self-Help Courses Distributed

Collaborated with best-selling author of “Secrets of Divine Love”, A. Helwa to distribute 5,000 spiritual self-help courses.


States Served Directly

We work closely with state and federal facilities to provide to our growing contact list of men and women.


University Level Courses Distributed

These Islamic studies courses span across 10 weeks of material. Our team grades each student’s responses and awards diplomas upon completion.


Contacts across 43 states

Our team actively communicates with over 3,500 incarcerated men and women offering them an array of services from mentorship to education and re-entry to society.


Prison Visits in CA Alone

Our team of volunteers regularly schedule visits to facilities and spend quality time with our incarcerated brothers and sisters.


Facilitated Tool Resources

Link Outside helps with housing, job placement, and community networking for re-entry members throughout the U.S.


Over 50 Young Professionals Events

In the year of 2022 alone, we catered to over 50 young professional and youth group events to bring awareness of social disparities within society.